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Capella Mortgage has been in business since February 2, 2022. We started out as many business owners do – we wanted to find a better way to make mortgage loans. Over the years, we refined our business to exclusively closing hard money loans on commercial, residential, and land properties. This includes already built properties and ground up construction, as well as renovation (fix and flip) and owner occupied properties. We were frustrated with the traditional method of closing loans, and we were frustrated with the number of good borrowers that were declined at the last minute because the lender wasn’t paying attention to the documents that were being turned in by the borrowers. Sometimes it’s necessary to turn down borrowers, but when a lender is turning down more than 50% of fully documented loans, then something is wrong.

As one of the few hard money lenders in the United States willing to make a true hard money loan on a property that someone will live in, we have been able to help thousands of people purchase a home that they could not have done otherwise. This means complying with all consumer protection laws and providing all of the required disclosures within 3 days of application.

These days, Capella Mortgage lends out private investor money on properties in multiple states. We’re famous for making common sense loans. Other lenders say it, but we really do it. That’s why our borrowers call us over and over again for their new properties. We really are flexible, and we don’t bug you to death with paperwork.

If you’d like to speak to a loan officer, call us at 702-214-4700. You can fill out a form, but to get the fastest answer, call us. We don’t like to wait around. We want to get to work on your loan application as soon as we can, so we will give you a logical answer as fast as we can.
